This month has been very busy. Besides having this blog, I'm a fashion designer and wedding planner. Although I love watching my TV, it's not always possible! Take this month for instance that was spent mostly on the road. I've been to Johannesburg, Bloemfontein, East London and Port Elizabeth.
The funny this is that I'll watch whatever TV I can find. Whether you have DStv or not, (like I do) doesn't matter at the time. Since I don't to watch my usual shows, I end up catching up on shows I haven't seen for ages. I sound like an idiot because I ask so many questions. My friends look at me like: "What's wrong with her?" Hahahahahahaha!
But I'm supporting the Bokke all the way in the Rugby World Cup! I don't follow the whole thing, I must be honest but I never miss a Springbok match. Oh! Unless I'm driving though. When they played Namibia I was driving to East London but friends tweeted and updated me on bbm. Green and Gold baby!!!
But I must say, when I get back home, I'm in total bliss. I guess it's just the comfort of knowing that, you can relax and be yourself. *TV Kisses*